Cool Question of the Day
There were 3 answers from 3 "experts." For example, Lynne Truss (author of Eats, Shoots and Leaves) responded and mentioned the fact that with technology, has come less editing in the industry, and I whole-heartedly agree with her on that note. I'm appalled whenever I read a novel and realize that simple grammar rules are lacking. (Not to mention the fact that I thought the last Harry Potter book could have used a good editor to mercilessly cut about 200 pages that weren't necessary in the least.)
The answers encompassed many points of view; such as, classic authors were fine without technology -- even possibly more inspired. These days, we can certainly slash, save, cut, copy, paste our words with abandon. And easily whip out 9 or 10 drafts at will.
Personally, I think today's way is a much better way to write. Of course, it doesn't excuse people from remembering how to spell or use grammar properly. Maybe it's sad, but I'm not sure I could even write a short story longhand anymore, though perhaps it would be an interesting exercise. Meanwhile, though, I have been trying to resurrect the lost art of letter writing. Friends, beware!
I'd welcome anybody's thoughts on this question. I found it pretty thought provoking.
Thanks for reading,