Monday, April 04, 2005

A Quick Minute

All right, I can only make a very quick post. A friend took me to see David Sedaris read at the Lisner Auditorium. I can't say I was already a David Sedaris fan, I haven't read his stuff, but I guess I can say that I'm a fan now, because he was hilarious!

I also ran into an old friend of mine from college. I haven't seen her for 10+ years, but we have been in touch by email recently, and it was just soooo wild. She recognized me and I have to give her extreme kudos for that. I thought she looked familiar but literally thought, what are the chances, and then didn't give it a second thought. You know? Until of course she said my name, and I was like, huh? And then jumped up and hugged her in an explosive show of shocked surprise. (She probably immediately regretted having said anything, I made such a spectacle, ha.) What a strange and good night.

Anyway, interestingly, he did a Q&A at the end and someone asked the very good question about his writing habits. He said he writes every day -- gets up, writes, has lunch, answers mail, then writes more at night. Then he said that while he writes every day and does not give himself a break from that, that 80% of his writing he ditches. I'm sure that's quite the quick and dirty breakdown for how much of his writings he just slashes, but I thought it was interesting.

He also gave the impression that diary writings, while embarrassing, often log away some of the best bits of day to day life.

Thanks for reading,



Blogger Broadsheet said...

We saw him in Baltimore Sunday night and laughed till we cried. For someone so culturally acclimated, he's a complete Luddite. No internet, email, blog, etc...

I love how he can take even the most normal, mundane event and find it funny.

7:58 AM  
Blogger Jen said...

He is extremely witty, but I so feel for his family. I'm pretty thin-skinned (although I like to think otherwise), and if my brother got paid to made fun of me constantly, I would have to disown him. Thank god there are no comedians in our family, either!

If I use anything from my life in my fiction (and I rarely do), I take great pains to disguise it. Of course, it still doesn't deter people from trying to find themselves in stories (and I think you touched on this a few months ago).

9:18 AM  
Blogger Hebdomeros said...

His sister Amy is pretty out there, too. I get the feeling the whole family is a little wacky, and they are well aware of their wackiness.

I love hearing his stuff on NPR. I would imagine he's great fun live as well.

11:50 AM  
Blogger Jeff said...

Oh, cool. I didn't know he was going to be around. I've only read Me Talk Pretty One Day, but really enjoyed it.

Amy is awesome, too. Watch a few episodes of Strangers With Candy, if you have never seen it.

12:20 PM  
Blogger LadyLitBlitzin said...

Hey guys,

Yeah, he is definitely laugh till you cry material. And yeah, Jen, I hear you -- it must be painful for his family! But it is hilarious. And seeing how his sister is Amy, I'm sure they're all kind of used to it. Although I think one of my companions said that one of his sisters did ban him from using her anymore, or something like that.

Ooooh, yes I've seen Strangers with Candy. That show was really funny -- in about the most sickest, most twistedest way I had ever seen. I think it was definitely a little much for mainstream TV, but kudos for them for trying, ha.

10:04 PM  

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