Sunday, November 14, 2004

Weekend's End

Here it is, Sunday night, and I've hardly done any writing-related activities. My roommate was looking through my CDs and there's nothing like rearranging stuff to unearth things you haven't thought about for a while. So I got out an old Dead Can Dance album, which I thought would be good mood music for this NaNoWriMo piece. At this moment though, I just feel like I'm just listening to the album. Ha.

I did manage to squeeze 2,000 more words into it, earlier this evening. I think I have generated some new ideas, though, for where this is going, with the help of comments from you kind people who helped with some suggestions to get things jumpstarted again.

Now I just need to creep myself out a little bit more before the evening's out, and hope to get this a little further along. Happy writing, everybody.



Blogger Hebdomeros said...

Ooooh. Dead Can Dance. Fun fun fun. I keep meaning to buy their albums but never get to it. I had a radio show in college, and loved playing them late at night.

8:20 PM  
Blogger LadyLitBlitzin said...

Hey Hebdomeros -- Yeah, I've got "The Serpent's Egg," and "Spleen and Ideal," both of which are good but had fallen to the bottom of the CD cabinet. Both have moments of total ethereal creepiness and mind trippiness, but in a few of the songs, that dude starts to sing and it loses that element. ;)

Tonight I'm listening to "In the Flat Field," by Bauhaus, but somehow, it's just doing much for me in the arena of writing. Ha.

That's cool that you had a radio show in college. There was nothing like college radio, that's where you always found the cutting edge stuff.

10:34 PM  

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