Tuesday, September 21, 2004


I've been having a weird thought lately. Not about literature, per se, but about the advent of blogging.

Most blogs started off more as online journals more than anything else. Though now, some have, of course, branched off into targeted subject matter or even function as their own journalism. Not to mention the whole self publishing bent.

So I was recently wondering if maybe the advent of blogging coincided at all with the advent of reality TV shows. Now of course, sheesh, lots of blogs are far better than the tripe served up as reality TV.

However, I wonder about the idea of, "Hey, real life (subtext: my real life) is more interesting than what some writer could write, or an actor could act."

Of course, the mere notion of having an audience changes the whole scheme anyway. Turning a person who is on a reality television show into someone who's serving up the drama that is going to make people like or hate them. Meanwhile, I'm betting most bloggers come up with a slightly different persona, that's more for public consumption.

I don't know, odd thoughts for a night when I'm about to go to bed. And wondering what comparisons can be drawn in what's "in" right now.

Thanks for reading,



Blogger Jen said...

That is an interesting premise, and there are pros and cons of blogging versus reality television. Although reality television is edited to such a degree that it's not reality at all anymore, many blogs suffer from a lack of editing and serve up too much reality, especially the blogs of teens and twentysomethings, who list the monotony of their life in such detail, without insight, as if it's exotic and exciting.

I think blogging will die down in the next year or two. Many sites I wander onto have one or two entries and then mysteriously stop, as if the blogger discovered that living life was much more interesting than writing about it all the time. Unfortunately, you and I haven't learned that lesson, if it is one, I guess. ;)

I always think the idea of blogging goes back to Hunter S. Thompson and his impression-laced, fact-devoid political commentary during the seventies, much of which can be found in his book Generation of Swine.

8:16 AM  
Blogger LadyLitBlitzin said...

Ah yes... gonzo journalism. That's a really good point!

I agree with you, that blogging will cease to be the rage in a few years, and likely that will separate a lot of the wheat from the chaffe. I've also noticed blogs that fall off a cliff quickly. And, I've also noticed a lot of blogs that are just ridiculously BAD -- why bother I ask????

But you and I, I think, being writers... well it just makes so much sense that we should write everyday! :) Screw those teens and twenty somethings. Haha.


7:00 PM  

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